IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024

IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024: Institute of Plasma Research invites applications for the post of Multi-Tasking Staff. Eligible Candidates have to fill up online form by 27/08/2024 (till 5:30 PM).


IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024 – Vacancy Details

Institute of Plasma Research announced advertisement of Multi – Tasking Staff. Which Post details is mentioned below.

Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following temporary posts.

Name of the Post No. of Vacancy Pay Scale
Multi – Tasking Staff (MTS) 27 (Tentative) ₹ 18,000/-



Eligibility Criteria for IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024


Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline.

Age Limit: 30 Years. Age relaxation is admissible as per Government of India orders issued on the subject.


Job Description: The selected candidate will be required to support routine activities in sections

viz. Administration, Accounts, Purchase & Stores, Library, Safety, Civil Maintenance etc. The job

requires working knowledge in computer (MS word, MS Excel, etc.) and ability to do routine

correspondence in Hindi/English.


PERIOD: The above posts are purely temporary for a period of Two (02) years and may be extended

for One (01) year or a part thereof depending on the institute’s work requirement and the performance of the candidate.


Application Fees for IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024

A fee structure for application is as below:

Category Amount (₹)
SC/ST/Female/PwBD/EWS/Ex-Serviceman Nil
For Other Categories ₹ 200/-


Mode of Payment: Through Online only (SBI Collect)

Steps for Online Payment:

  1. Visit SBI Collect: https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm
  2. Proceed → Other institutions
  3. Search for Other Institutions →type: PLASMA
  4. Select Name: Institute for Plasma Research
  5. Check Payment Category: “Application Fees IPR”
  6. Fill the form
  7. In remarks column, please mention the Advt. No. and the Post Code
  8. Make payment.
  9. Print/Download receipt.


Important Dates for IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024


Activity Important Dates
Online Application Starting Date 29/07/2024
Last Date to Apply Online Application 27/08/2024 (till 5:30 PM)



Selection Process for IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024


The online applications, received in response to the advertisement, shall be scrutinized (computer based) on the basis of all criteria like age, educational qualification, category certificate, fee receipt etc. and only the valid applications shall be considered for further processing. Selection would be solely based on the merit of marks obtained in the written examination conducted by the Institute for the post.


Written Examination: Question paper will have Objective and Descriptive questions.

The objective type examination will be conducted on following subjects:

Sr. No. Subjects
1. General Knowledge / General Awareness
2. General English
3. Elementary Mathematics
4. Computer & Reasoning


The descriptive type examination will include questions related to writing, correspondence skills and translation in Hindi/English.

A merit list of candidates based on their marks in written test will be prepared. The merit list will be valid for a period of one year from the date of publishing the result. During the validity period, candidates may be called for joining, as and when required by the institute, from valid merit list.


General Information for IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024


  1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
  2. The numbers of vacancies indicated above are provisional and may be increased / decreased depending on the actual requirement of the organization.
  3. Persons with Benchmarked Disabilities (PwBD) covered under the categories of Hard of Hearing (HH), One Leg (OL), One Arm (OA), Acid Attack Victims (AAV) and Dwarfism (DW) can also apply.
  4. The selected candidate is expected to perform the activities/tasks that may be assigned by the competent authority from time to time.
  5. Before filling up the Online Recruitment Application, the candidates must go through the detailed Advertisement. Please proceed to fill the online application only if you possess the Essential Qualifications and other criteria stipulated for the post.
  6. The date for determining the eligibility of all the candidates in every respect shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of Online Application, unless otherwise specified.
  7. The applicants are advised to fill in all their particulars in the Online Application carefully and upload recent passport size colour photograph and scanned copies of documents in support of date of birth, educational qualification, claim for age relaxation, fees exemption etc. as submission of wrong information or inadequate document may lead to rejection through computer-based short-listing. Institute reserves the right to reject application not fulfilling the requisite criteria, at any stage of recruitment process.
  8. The applicants would be called for the written test, only on the basis of information filled-in by them in their online application form. In case it is found at a later stage that the information furnished by the applicant is false or an applicant does not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicants would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.
  9. Each applicant is advised to submit only one Online Application. However, if the candidate submits multiple Online Applications, then it must be ensured that the Online Application with the higher ‘Application ID Number’ is complete in all respects. Applicants who submit multiple Online Applications should note that only the Online Application with higher ‘Application ID Number’ i.e. latest one shall be considered for processing by the Institute.
  10. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance nor can be held in reserve for any other examination or selection process.
  11. Relaxation in the maximum age limit shall be admissible as per Central Government Orders on the subject as amended from time to time.
  12. Candidates seeking relaxations in age and/or exemption in payment of fee (wherever applicable) under SC/ST/OBC /PwBD/EWS/ Ex-Serviceman category are required to submit relevant certificate in the prescribed format of Govt. Of India, failing which no relaxation and/or exemption will be allowed.
  13. All the qualifications must be from recognized Universities / Boards / Institutions only. Applicants having qualifications from other countries shall submit equivalency certificate from UGC / AIU.
  14. The following certificate/documents ONLY are acceptable as proof of Age (Any one):

i. Date of Birth as recorded in the Birth Certificate.

ii. Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC).

iii. Matriculation / Secondary School Certificate in which date of birth is mentioned.

  1. Merely fulfilling minimum qualification & filing online application does not entitle the candidate to be called for a Written Test. The authorities reserve all rights, not to call an applicant for the Test, without assigning any reason. In case of any dispute / ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Institute shall be final.
  2. Candidates employed in Govt. /Aided/ Autonomous /Quasi Govt. / Public Sector Undertakings should bring “No Objection Certificate” from their employer if called for Written Test.
  3. The Institute reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. Incomplete applications are liable to be summarily rejected. No interim correspondence will be entertained.
  4. The Written Test will be conducted in Ahmedabad / Gandhinagar, Gujarat. More details will be updated on website.
  5. No Travelling Allowance shall be paid to attend the Written Test.
  6. The selected candidate will be covered under institute’s Contributory Health Service Scheme for self only.
  7. The candidates are advised to fill in their correct and active e-mail address and mobile number in the online application as all communications will be made by the Institute through e-mail only. The candidates are also advised to refer the website of the Institute for regular updates of the recruitment.
  8. The candidates should take utmost care to fill the information in on line application form. Your online submission completes once you click “Complete Submission” button and you will get acknowledgement through email at your registered mail id. In case you do not receive email, kindly write to recruitment@ipr.res.in. The candidate should go through necessary instruction before filling detail in online application system.
  9. The list of valid applicants (candidates with valid applications) shall be prepared through computer-based shortlisting based upon the furnished information in the online application. The valid applicants shall be called for Written Test.
  10. The list of shortlisted candidates will be posted on the IPR website. There will be no separate communication for candidates who are not shortlisted. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  11. IPR reserves the right not to select any candidate for above post(s) or cancel the advertisement at any stage without assigning any reason.
  12. Addendum/deletion/ corrigendum (If any) shall be posted on the Institute’s website only i.e. https://www.ipr.res.in/documents/jobs_career.html Candidates are requested to regularly visit the institute’s website for updates.
  13. Any dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts/Tribunals situated at Gandhinagar / Ahmedabad, Gujarat only.
  14. Records of the candidates who are not selected shall be preserved only for a period of one year from the date of publication of the list of selected candidates.
  15. Applicants, by virtue of the act of application, commit themselves to the highest standards of ethical practices. Fraudulent documents, canvassing in any form or influencing the process of recruitment at any stage shall not only result in rejection of application but may also lead to legal action.
  16. This advertisement is published both in English and Hindi. In case of any dispute, the English version will prevail.


How to Apply Online Application for IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024

IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024
_______IPR Recruitment of MTS 2024

The portal for submission of Online Application will be live from 29/07/2024.

Interested candidates are requested to apply online at Institute’s website https://www.ipr.res.in/documents/jobs_career.html by 27/08/2024 (till 5.30 P.M).

Applicants are required to upload the following documents while filling online application.

  1. A recent passport size colour photograph.
  2. Copies of following supporting documents:
  3. Proof of age. (Refer above at sr. no. 14 of general information)
  4. Educational mark sheets/certificates/degrees.

iii. Experience certificate(s) if any.

  1. Certificate of caste/community/class in prescribed format (if applicable).
  2. Copy of payment receipt (if applicable)
  3. Any other relevant document(s).


Please note that there is no need to send hard copies of the application & supporting documents. In case of any issue in filing online application, kindly contact – recruitment@ipr.res.in

Institute strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance hence women candidates are encouraged to apply.


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